Surrey Interfaith Forum Meeting

On Thursday 5th May 2022, two representative monks and one staff member from Wat Pha Dhammakaya London attended the Surrey Interfaith Forum Meeting at the Roundhouse, Surrey University.

On this occasion, faith leaders and partners from Surrey’s communities attended came together at this important meeting. The objective of this meeting was to increase the understanding and awareness of faith and beliefs and to enhance dialogue, connections, and community cohesion in Surrey, for example, to aid refugees from Ukraine and also help the poverty in the community within Surrey borough.

Venerable Phra Nicholas Thanissaro commented that Wat Phra Dhamamkaya London will hold an annual Alms Giving ceremony at Woking Square. This is a Buddhist merit making practice and all the food donations received from this event will be given to the local food bank.
At 12pm all the faith leaders and supporters including teachers and students from Surrey university opened the “Surrey Tree of Life” ceremony at the front of the Roundhouse Religious Life and Belief Centre.
Tree of Life is part of the Queens Jubilee Celebrations. It is a symbol of remembrance of our loved ones. A small plaque was created to commemorate those who helped from the Surrey community.

At the end of the Tree of Life meeting, all the faith leaders and supporters within Surrey had a group photo and lunch together.

