Tuesday Meditation Class

At Wat Phra Dhammakaya London, we hold a meditation class every Tuesday for local people.
On January the 31st, there were 14 local residents who came to join us for the class. On this day the teaching monk gave the class an introduction to a meditation technique which can be used to clear and purify the mind to be more like a child’s, to help us focus more. It has been noted that children can often find meditation easier than adults as their minds are less cluttered with stress and worries.
During the meditation session, the monk guided the lesson by showing people how to keep the image of our mind still at the centre of the body, in the middle of the abdomen. This location is the seventh component and the centre of gravity which is one of the seven bases of the mind.

After that, the teaching monk explained to us how to keep a record of our meditation practise sessions in order to improve ourselves and our techniques.
Everyone wrote down that they had enjoyed a very good meditation and inner experience. One person said that he had a really positive experience, and whilst he was meditating he felt as if his body had expanded and that he saw a shining light which flashed in front of him. His mind was very alert yet extremely still and light. The feeling of expansion was so great that he said he could feel the aura of the person next to him and the other people in the room.
Many people’s meditation experience was also one of complete relaxation, which was a great starting point for people’s journey into meditation.
In conclusion, the teaching monk showed us how to practise and maintain our mind in this positive state afterwards. We would like to share these merits with all of you.

#rejoice #positivemind

